Mona Marie Miller
July 13, 1961 - July 25, 2011
On July 25, 2011, this world suffered a huge loss.
was tragically killed in an automobile accident while traveling home from vacation with her family. Prior to her death, Mona set in motion a chain reaction of change in the world, beginning with herself.
Mona had a desire to understand herself in a world filled with so much misunderstandings.
In developing her own set of life skills, she founded Communication Arts Company, with the goal of teaching others the art of self communication. A way of life that was sure to bring about and sustain change in one's life.

A prolific creator and writer, Mona authored the book Invisible Warfare. A book that chronicles a step by step process to changing your life from the inside out.
This book provides a vehicle for readers to understand their past mistakes, challenges and circumstances so they can stop re-creating drama in their lives today and “see†the unknown.
Invisible Warfare is a self processing program which is focused on the subconscious minds' trances that set up the reoccurrences of repetative behaviors. The goal is to understand the subliminal mind and its power over you and the “willâ€. We work on understanding how to go beyond the obvious and then learn why we can't move out of the obvious.
According to many of her clients, it wasn't just her tools and what she taught that mades her programs so challenging and powerful; it was also who she was. Mona was gifted with the ability to "see" right into the mind and heart of her clients and their issues. Her way of incorporating humor into the learning process, as well as teaching about non-judgmental self-observation, delivered difficult lessons. People learned just as much laughing hysterically while listening to Mona as they did when they were buckled over crying. Her unique background allowed the learning process to be entertaining.
Her work, her energy, and her spirit continues to live in those who knew her personally and worked with her professionally.
Her physical presence on this planet will be sorely missed but her spirit will live forever. Rest in Peace.